Ministry Formation Support
This project recognizes the need to support the formation of Church personnel who, beyond their spiritual responsibilities to communities, will also carry on the legacy of service to the poor and needy of our world, and thus become prophetic witnesses of the Gospel for the 21st century. By helping to provide a point of contact between people on different continents, the Amen Foundation invites sponsors to reach out to support people thus willing to dedicate their lives in the service of Church and society. The Foundation uses financial resources received in offering sponsorships to candidates through various formation centers.
Washington Neighborhood Outreach
The Amen Foundation is physically located in the North-East segment of Washington, DC. But our outreach in this city spreads out wide. We participate in hospitality efforts to welcome new immigrants; we help and connect new-comers to the area prepare for jobs; we reach out to the bereaved; we are called out as resource people in multi-cultural gatherings; we receive and give out food, clothing, educational materials to needy families in the area; we continue to seek and to deliver inspiration to many young people who come our way in their search for responsible living in this city. Over the years, this Foundation has become a first point of contact for many priests and religious who arrive in this region and needing initial hospitality.
African Development Outreach
Aware of the blessings as well as the many-sided difficulties that people continue to face on the African continent, this Foundation inspires practical ways that life can be supported for the underprivileged of the continent. This includes medical support, educational support, rural development in agriculture, water supply, etc. Formation candidates who receive assistance from the Amen Foundation pledge to become "change agents" and ambassadors of peace and justice in their regions. In this process, the Foundation also works in collaboration with other organizations.

Support Our Good Work
This amazing good work deserves your full support. The Amen Foundation relies on the generosity of donors like you to carry forth its mission of supporting priests, nuns, and church missionaries. Donate today!